### WFABBA / Fire Detection and Characterization Algorithm, Version: 6_6_001g ### Date: 2024254, Time: 06:28:25 UTC ### Satellite: GOES-18, Instrument: ABI, Flight Model: FM? ### Scan Mode: GOES-18, Product type: GOES-18 ### Product/L2 filename: f2024254062825.rev.6_6_001g.FDCM1.GOES-18.txt ### Data source: SSEC ### Data creation time stamp: ### Navigation projection subpoint longitude: ### Actual satellite subpoint longitude: ### Number of detected fires: 11 ### Missing value code: -9999 ### X offset from upper left corner of Full Disk scan: 3380 ### Y offset from upper left corner of Full Disk scan: 910 ### ### Definitions of columns: ### Latitude, Longitude, Line, Element: Fire pixel positions on Earth and in source satellite data ### Code: 10 (30) - Processed Fire Pixel (Temporally filtered) ### 11 (31) - Saturated Fire Pixel (Temporally filtered) ### 12 (32) - Cloudy Fire Pixel (Temporally filtered) ### 13 (33) - High Probability Fire Pixel (Temporally filtered) ### 14 (34) - Medium Probability Fire Pixel (Temporally filtered) ### 15 (35) - Low Probability Fire Pixel (Temporally filtered) ### FRP: Fire Radiative Power [MW] (when available) ### Fire Size: Fire size [m2] of hypothetical radiometrically equivalent fire (when available) ### Fire Temp: Fire temperature [K] of hypothetical radiometrically equivalent fire (when available) ### Line: Line number relative to the L1b image's upper left corner of 1,1 (when available) ### Add the X offset above (when available) to get the full disk grid position ### Element: Element number relative to the L1b image's upper left corner of 1,1 (when available) ### Add the Y offset above (when available) to get the full disk grid position ### Pixel Size: Size of pixel [m2] (defaults to 4000000 if exact value not available) ### Obs BT4: 4um observed brightness temperature (when available) ### Obs BT11: 11um observed brightness temperature (when available) ### Bkg BT4: 4um estimated background brightness temperature (when available) ### Bkg BT11: 11um estimated background brightness temperature (when available) ### SolZen: Solar Zenith Angle [deg] (when available) ### SatZen: Satellite Zenith Angle [deg] (when available) ### RelAzi: Relative Azimuth Angle [deg] (when available) ### Eco: Ecosystem code (when available) ### FD_X: X position in full disk grid (when available) ### FD_Y: Y position in full disk gridEcosystem code (when available) ### Not all data fields are available from all sources ### ### More information: http://wfabba.ssec.wisc.edu/ ### ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### Latitude, Longitude, Code, FRP, Fire Size, Fire Temp, Line, Element, Pixel Size, Obs BT4, Obs BT11, Bkg BT4, Bkg BT11, SolZen, SatZen, RelAzi, Eco, FD_X, FD_Y ### deg, deg, , MW, m2, K, , , m2, K, K, K, K, deg, deg, deg, , , 34.1640, -117.0310, 10, 217.2, 179200, 483.6, 98, 194, 6223285, 327.663, 295.429, 289.675, 288.981, 136.953, 45.309, -9999, 46, 3574, 1008 33.7088, -117.5511, 10, 153.5, 35054, 581.2, 116, 178, 6135409, 323.473, 297.385, 295.945, 295.236, 137.141, 44.614, -9999, 22, 3558, 1026 33.7097, -117.5265, 10, 157.8, 104607, 497.9, 116, 179, 6135287, 323.941, 299.107, 295.821, 295.127, 137.150, 44.627, -9999, 26, 3559, 1026 33.6844, -117.5578, 10, 284.3, 72917, 570.8, 117, 178, 6131468, 336.526, 299.339, 295.754, 295.119, 137.160, 44.587, -9999, 22, 3558, 1027 33.6852, -117.5333, 10, 666.6, 89242, 634.4, 117, 179, 6132887, 360.111, 301.917, 295.764, 295.126, 137.169, 44.600, -9999, 22, 3559, 1027 33.6861, -117.5087, 10, 483.2, 89779, 600.6, 117, 180, 6134041, 350.359, 301.064, 295.764, 295.126, 137.178, 44.614, -9999, 46, 3560, 1027 33.6600, -117.5645, 10, 328.0, 5587, 977.8, 118, 178, 6128137, 339.505, 296.054, 295.497, 294.947, 137.178, 44.561, -9999, 46, 3558, 1028 33.6608, -117.5400, 10, 1513.3, 129523, 687.1, 118, 179, 6129556, 388.191, 306.787, 295.647, 295.071, 137.187, 44.574, -9999, 46, 3559, 1028 33.6617, -117.5154, 10, 960.1, 98267, 665.0, 118, 180, 6131088, 371.906, 303.439, 295.647, 295.071, 137.197, 44.587, -9999, 26, 3560, 1028 33.6625, -117.4908, 10, 170.4, 28813, 609.9, 118, 181, 6132884, 325.120, 296.913, 295.428, 294.891, 137.206, 44.600, -9999, 22, 3561, 1028 33.6364, -117.5467, 10, 192.5, 2203, 1089.5, 119, 179, 6125609, 327.331, 295.399, 295.365, 294.866, 137.206, 44.547, -9999, 46, 3559, 1029